Pe 5 noiembrie 2022, la Sala Sporturilor Traian din Ramnicu Valcea va avea loc evenimentul sportiv "CUPA OLTENIEI In Memoriam Leonard Gugulici"
Va asteptam sa aducem impreuna un omagiu omului ce a fost o legenda, cu peste 30 ani de experienta in artele martiale, multiplu campion de karate si BJJ, unul dintre primii sportivi ce au pus bazele BJJ in Romania, antrenor, arbitru international si referinta pentru multi dintre noi!
Concursul se va desfasura in data de 05.11.2022.
Data limita de inscriere este 01.11.2022.
Competitia va avea divizii de copii si juvenili, adulti, master 1 (peste 31 de ani), master 2 (peste 36 de ani), master 3 (peste 41 de ani) si master 4 (peste 46 de ani).
Regulament :
Adresa: Sala Sportului Traian , Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu Nr.24, Ramnicu Valcea.
Datele si orele pentru cantar si validare:
-04.11.2022 : 18:00 - 20:00 ( vineri seara )
-05.11.2022: 08:30 - 09:30 ( sambata dimineata )
Cantarul se face fara gi ( Kimono) !
Echipamentul trebuie sa fie specific sportului Jiu Jitsu Brazilian. Sportivii care nu au echipament conform nu pot participa la concurs.
Ora de incepere a competitiei: 10.00
Termen limita de inscriere: 01.11.2022, ora 00:00
Taxa de inscrire pentru spotivi trebuie platita inainte de proba cantarului, la punctul special amenajat din incinta salii. ( recomandare: este indicat ca fiecare antrenor sa vina la acest punct si sa plateasca taxa de inscriere pentru toti sportivii sai).
*60 lei Kids/Juvenil
*90 lei Adulti/Master
*60 lei Kids/Juvenil
*90 lei Adulti/Master
*100 lei Kids/Juvenil
*160 lei Adulti/Master
Antrenorii trebuie sa se prezinte la inregistrare/cantar cu toata delegatia de sportivi sub 18 ani.
Cluburile trebuie sa prezinte certificatele de nastere pentru sportivii sub 14 ani, sportivii peste 14 ani trebuie sa prezinte un act de identitate valid.
Pentru sportivii minori este necesara completarea unui acord parental.
Contact :
Regulament :
On November 5, 2022, at the Traian Sports Hall in Ramnicu Valcea, the sports event "OLTENIA CUP In Memoriam Leonard Gugulici" will take place
We are waiting for you to pay tribute to the man who was a legend, with over 30 years of experience in martial arts, multiple karate and BJJ champion, one of the first athletes who laid the foundations of BJJ in Romania, trainer, international referee and reference for a lot of us!
The competition will take place on 05.11.2022.
The registration deadline is 01.11.2022.
The competition will have divisions for children and juveniles, adults, master 1 (over 31 years old), master 2 (over 36 years old), master 3 (over 41 years old) and master 4 (over 46 years old).
Address: Sala Sportului Traian, Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu No. 24, Ramnicu Valcea.
Dates and times for weighing and validation:
-04.11.2022: 18:00 - 20:00 (Friday evening)
-05.11.2022: 08:30 - 09:30 (Saturday morning)
The scale is made without gi (Kimono)!
The equipment must be specific to the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sport. Athletes who do not have the appropriate equipment cannot participate in the competition.
Competition start time: 10.00
Registration deadline: 01.11.2022, 00:00
The registration fee for contestants must be paid before the weight test, at the special point set up inside the hall. (recommendation: it is recommended that each coach come to this point and pay the registration fee for all his athletes).
*60 lei Kids/Juvenile
* 90 lei Adults/Master
*60 lei Kids/Juvenile
* 90 lei Adults/Master
*100 lei Kids/Juvenile
*160 lei Adulti/Master
The coaches must appear at the registration/weigh-in with the entire delegation of athletes under 18 years of age.
Clubs must present birth certificates for athletes under 14, athletes over 14 must present a valid ID.
For minor athletes, it is necessary to complete a parental agreement.
Contact :
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